Ich weiß, dass viele Leute Trump hassen, aber die Anzahl der positiven Stimmen ist etwas verdächtig

Von Marcellius-the-3rd


  1. AppearanceMission747 on

    The same people that will call you racist for doing what they label fat shaming will then shame an old man for having unironed pants and a fat tummy.

    Hypocrisy at its best.

  2. mathreviewer on

    I hate him too but you know it’s all manufactured consent at this point. They’re beating a dead horse and preaching to the choir.

  3. Crafty_Number9342 on

    It’s kind of sad when you think about the fact that, there cannot be open minded discussions about anything, it’s always one side attacking the other, and about mundane things like his pants too. Sad affair in the world. I’m not sure if he’s controlled opposition, the good guy or something else, why can’t there be normal discussions about things?

  4. squashua1983 on

    I agree with the assessment that those who hate others only do so because they secretly hate some kind of quality within themselves. This is rooted in Carl Sagans “shadow work”.

    There is a great video that went around of this black guy who was with a group called “felons for Trump” and he talked about how people who hate Trump that don’t even know him are doing the same thing when people are racist or prejudice, it’s really the same kind of thinking when you hate someone you don’t even know.

  5. CrustyTable on

    Only thing they can criticize anymore is his appearance, sad. And they called him the bully lol

  6. Lucky_Investment7970 on

    When this is what people focus on, you realise for a fact that the Empire is finally crumbling.

  7. delquattro on

    Don’t worry. The upvotes is the total she would receive if she is still on the ballot by election day.

  8. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

    They regularly brigade.

    Recently there is a number of subs than ban anyone who participates in r.trump so there’s always someone complaining about it there.

    But the reason is they allow unchecked brigading of other subs, in addition to just straight up racist posts and comments, but it’s the brigading that’s the issue.

  9. aipixelpioneer on

    But I was told this isn’t happening and Reddit has no hive mind?

  10. To be honest. I think a lot of those upvotes are because people (including me) simply cannot stand the guy. And when something criticizing him in any way comes up, an upvote is an easy sell. We simply do not need more reasons not to like him. It’s all been provided. Mostly by himself in my case.

    Edit. Don’t support being a bully and shaming people for makeup, wrinkled pants and so on. This is my theory on the subject, and why many posts with him gets a lot of interaction.

  11. delquattro on

    The upvotes will always exceed the number of votes Kamala received to maker her the “nominee.”

  12. WiserGentleman on

    It’s a little concerning when the people who claim to hate him, talk about him all day.

  13. You do realize 17k people is only 0.06% of the /pics sub of 31M? Not even counting that non-members can vote too. How can you consider that suspicious?

  14. Murky-Resident-3082 on

    Have you seen the other sides upvotes here, it’s ridiculous

  15. MaxwellHillbilly on

    You’re surprised that 80,000 people on Reddit don’t like Trump?


  16. MomsSpecialFriend on

    I’m sorry but to many people he looks completely insane. I would never vote for a man in orange face, what even is that??

  17. -i_am_that_guy- on

    How about they do the same pictures but with Jerry Nadler instead. Fair’s fair

  18. noneofthismatters666 on

    Figure both campaigns pay bot farms to up vote and like bullshit.

  19. Over 50% of reddit use is by bots and paid accounts. I’d wager a fair chunk more than that even.

  20. There are many people that hate Trump, but there’s a lot who love him.

  21. SaveusJebus on

    Bots bots and more bots along with a lot of “orange man bad!” folks

  22. Somewhere along the way this sub completely forgot about how Dems and repubs alike frequent the bohemian Grove

  23. psychonaut_spy on

    This is reddit weaponizing a phenomenon called “the spiral of silence”, among a list of other things. The smartest people alive are in on manipulating us in every conceivable way here, and everywhere else.

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