Sie können jetzt die gesamten HS2-Werke anhand aktueller Satellitenbilder (Google Maps) sehen.

Von mehnameisash


  1. This only temporary. Sites settle, vegetation around the tracks return, trees grow. There are dozens of miles of tunnels.

    HS2 will be less visible than the M40 next to it

  2. SmellyPubes69 on

    I thought HS2 had been cancelled is it still happening?

    Also is it still billions for like a 20min time saving?

  3. PloppyTheSpaceship on

    Have a look at Sentinel 2 and the EOS browser. Imagery of the entire planet, updated every few days and able to go back until 2015 iirc. Great resource.

    Also, Google now have made their historical imagery available in Google Earth on the browser (it’s been in Google Earth Pro for years). Absolutely fascinating, it even includes flights from ordnance survey planes over London, Liverpool etc from the 1940s!

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