Tasha Kheiriddin: Liberale betreiben Diaspora-Politik, um ihr Versagen bei der Bekämpfung ausländischer Einmischung zu verbergen – RCMP kündigt eine praktische Ablenkung vom Putschversuch der Partei gegen Trudeau an diesem Wochenende an



  1. Crocktoberfest on

    There’s no evidence of the parties attempted coup from any sources within the liberal party.

  2. USSMarauder on

    Amazing the number of right wingers taking the Indian government’s side in this

  3. Adventurous_Pen_7151 on

    Great article. The timing of this couldn’t be any more suspicious.

  4. Coffeedemon on

    Did the pest have this story ready to go or did some poor intern have to do overtime last night?

    They’re one to cry about distractions given how many they are posting for anything that could look bad for the conservatives.

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