Frankreich hat kein Geld mehr für die Ukraine: Frankreich sollte der Ukraine in diesem Jahr Militärhilfe in Höhe von 3 Milliarden Euro zukommen lassen, aber angesichts des krisengeschüttelten Haushalts und eines explodierenden Haushaltsdefizits wird es nach Angaben des Verteidigungsministeriums des Landes Schwierigkeiten haben, 2 Milliarden Euro aufzubringen Minister.


  1. FaderJockey2600 on

    Buy more SCALP, have the money circulating in your own economy. It’s all fake money anyway.

  2. Aggressive_Cow7785 on

    This is one of the downsides of collective cultural suicide.

  3. Alien_P3rsp3ktiv on

    It’s very sad that 2 of largest countries in Europe (by area, France is only preceded by russia and Ukraine; by population, Germany is only preceded by russia) struggle with their pledges to Ukraine.

    ETA: i don’t consider russia part of europe, but that’s just me:)

  4. redditor0918273645 on

    I guess they will come up with the money when Russia is on their doorstep.

  5. Key-Hold-833 on

    Typical Europeans. Promise lots, deliver little. Arrogant sons of bees.
    Remember the promise of 1 million missiles by March of 2024?
    If you can’t deliver, don’t promise!

  6. Ritari_Assa-arpa on

    They lose so much money on illegal immigration and foreign aid, like every western nation at the moment. Way how western governments waste tax payers money is pure insanity.

    Edit; lmao, negative votes for this.

    2023 France alone gave 15.5 billion as foreign aid. This year it will be about same. Thats 30 billion in two years. Thats France alone.

    Different nations dump every year insane amount of money to africa. Usa donated 2023 68 billion. 2022 USA donated around 53 billion, which was 25% of whole aid. Around 200 billion in one year, in that year.

    This have continued decades and we still dont see any progress. Actually only progress we see is africa’s birth rate exploding, there will be 4 billion african population in couple funny decades.

    Its not hard to draw any conclutions and see big picture; this is pure madness.

    Most of western nation budjet is on minus side, which means they have to get loan from market to make budjet work. When you literally give money away, and get loan for it, its impossible call it as sane way to use tax payers money.

  7. Ok_Caregiver1004 on

    Get your budget back in order France, the rest of the world benefits from your country being solvent.

    Ukraine can always take physical goods over pure monetary assistance. (Cut your military budget by sending active duty stuff to Ukraine)

  8. Own-Exchange1664 on

    news site is clearly churning out pro kremlin articles en masse but ok

  9. so sad entire western world gets overpowered by freaking north korea in providing military aid

  10. Jesus france is a rich country, it’s all about priorities. And Ukraine should be our top one.

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