Laut einer neuen Studie wirkt eine neue orale Nanotherapie direkt auf den Dünndarm und verringert dessen Fähigkeit, Fett aus der Nahrung aufzunehmen, die wir zu uns nehmen. Als die Nanotherapie an Mäusen getestet wurde, absorbierten selbst Mäuse, die eine fettreiche Diät erhielten, weniger Fett und verhinderten Fettleibigkeit.


  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:

    From the linked article:

    A new oral nanotherapy works directly on the small intestine, reducing its ability to absorb fat from the food we eat, according to a new study. While the therapy is at the early stages, if it proves effective in humans, it has huge potential as a treatment for diet-related obesity.

    The researchers used nanoparticles containing small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that, when swallowed, are delivered to the small intestine. (siRNAs are renowned for regulating gene expression.) There, they reduced the expression of SOAT2 by enterocytes and, therefore, inhibited fat absorption. When the nanotherapy was tested on mice, even mice fed a high-fat diet absorbed less fat and avoided obesity.

    “This oral treatment offers several advantages,” Shao said. “It’s non-invasive, has low toxicity, and it has high potential for better patient compliance compared to current obesity treatments, which are often invasive or difficult to maintain. This makes it a promising alternative.”

  2. JasonEAltMTG on

    I’m not hearing “Won’t make you fart orange oil that won’t come out even with detergent” so I’m assuming this does that

  3. AltruisticMode9353 on

    Does it also lower the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins? I would imagine so.

  4. alasw0eisme on

    That’s nice but all my fatness comes from carbs, not fats or oils.

  5. ilovemybaldhead on

    Sugar (and foods easily converted to sugar such as pasta and white bread) are the real drivers of obesity.

  6. monkeylogic42 on

    Isn’t the problem carbs and just over eating in general?  Like, put down the fork is always the better option than pissing grease out of your ass unexpectedly.

  7. RufussSewell on

    I know every body works differently, but I suspect most people get fat because of carbs and sugar.

  8. hellohennessy on

    I need the opposite of this. No matter how much food I eat, I am skinny.

  9. Last-Initial3927 on

    That sounds like diarrhoea. This is how you get severe gas and diarrhoea 

  10. NeurogenesisWizard on

    Cool but if you eat a half healthy diet, do you miss out on omega fatty acids? You might get skin problems.

  11. AltruisticMode9353 on

    So many unscientific takes in here about carbs. Total calorie intake is the main driver of obesity, and any intervention which lowers calorie absorption (no matter from which macronutrient group) is likely to at least produce short term effects on weight management. Whether it works long-term (due to the hypothalamus sensing less calories and therefore ramping up appetite until calorie needs are met) needs to be studied, but the gripes about it affecting fat absorption and not carbs and therefore being ineffective are completely without merit. You get the satiety effects of fat with a lower calorie burden.

  12. Why even bother now, obesity has already been cured. Glp1 is the answer.

    The world has a supply issue of the drug. Almost anyone that’s obese now just doesn’t have access or can’t afford it.

    In a few years, there is going to be more stigma around obese people. People will see them as poor or under insured.

  13. nyet-marionetka on

    I’m concerned about absorption of essential fatty acids too. This lowers production of a protein needed to absorb fatty acids, so it’s not something where you take it, eat the ice cream, and then it wears off an hour later. It would last as long as it takes time for the siRNA to be degraded and new mRNA transcribed and translated. Does that rebound happen in a day? 6 hours? A week? A lot of us don’t consume much of the omega 3 fatty acids we need, so people could end up not getting enough. I suppose you have to mega-dose fish oil if you take this.

  14. I_am_not_JohnLeClair on

    People will ingest anything to keep themselves thin, except for maybe a healthy diet

  15. The best way to lose weight and stay healthy is to eat a varied, balanced diet, low in saturated fats that contains all the nutrients and micronutrients your body needs but with fewer carbohydrates. That and plenty of exercise. You will lose weight, your gut microbiome would thank you if it could and you will feel great. Medication as a shortcut to weight loss has it’s place but is likely to have unintended outcomes. I worry that the plethora of weight -loss drugs may lead people to choose the easy way instead of the best way.

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