Verwirrender Self-Checkout bei Migros: Plastiktüten und Besteck sind mit einem Preis gekennzeichnet, Papiertüten jedoch nicht. (Hier ist Migros Sursee)

    Von Swigor


    1. Icy_Park_7919 on

      200.- fine for you, OP, for not noticing the barcode underneath the paper bag. Isn’t it?


    2. Why does Migros have a price tag for paper bags but not for plastic ones? What’s the reasoning behind this?

      This could, of course, be confusing for tourists, especially since paper bags are generally considered more environmentally friendly than plastic bags. So, it would make sense for them to be free.

      It’s also acceptable to leave things as they are and simply accept that some customers might not pay for them. But how on earth can they get away with charging someone 200 CHF for not scanning a paper bag?


      After the incident, other shops added price tags with labels:


      So, some Migros locations recognize the problem, while the Migros where the incident occurred still seems to play dumb. I really hope that other Migros regions put pressure on Migros Geneva to sort this out.

    3. LitoBrooks on

      Migros is too lazy to bother with price tags, especially for their paper bags, because they’re constantly planning price hikes. It’s irresponsible to leave bags unmarked and then fine tourists for taking them when they assume they’re free. If they can find time to raise prices, they should find time to properly label their products.

    4. FckRdditAccRcvry420 on

      Looks the same where I live, I almost “stole” one too a while ago when I forgot my backpack *for once in 10+ years* and I assumed they were still free, since they’re just hanging there while the plastic bags are behind a lock.

    5. ChobaniBuenzli on

      Bless your heart. There’s a barcode. And everyone knows there is nothing free in Switzerland.

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