„Es ist überwältigend“: US-Meteorologen werden mit Morddrohungen konfrontiert, während Hurrikan-Verschwörungen zunehmen



  1. From the article

    >The extent of the misinformation, which has been stoked by Donald Trump and his followers, has been such that it has stymied the ability to help hurricane-hit communities, [according to the head](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/07/hurricane-helene-trump-misinformation) of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (**Fema**).

    All throughtout the article the acronym FEMA is written as Fema. Is this a British English thing? In USA english we capitalize our acronyms.

  2. Honestly, I’m surprised it took this long for Republicans to turn on meteorologists.

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