Das war 1997 – Die Waffe und Kontrolle des Wetters

Von enormousTruth


  1. enormousTruth on

    SS: March 19, 1997 – The Test Technology Symposium, Advanced Weapon / Instrumentation Technologies:

    Swipe through the slides for more details. Here is a breakdown:

    * Weather modification capabilities to degrade enemy forces / enhance friendly operations
    * Longstanding treaties impacting weather manipulation
    * Methodologies to leverage weather weather modification for reconnaissance / satellite inhibition / enhance night-time ops
    * Storm modification energy production, (to be manipulated with lens for increased energy production)
    * How to steer a hurricane with carbon black dust

    Also included:

    * Interesting patents that link to real events that transpired whereas certain companies provided “storm protection” for energy companies.
    * Interesting blackout period where no hurricanes made landfall in USA that overlap with certain political events and treaties

    For more information visit [https://weathermodificationhistory.com](https://weathermodificationhistory.com)

  2. AKArunningwild4ever on

    Carbon black is a possible carcinogen during low term exposure. I thought we were only getting rained on by micro plastics. Now carbon black, damn.

  3. Substantial_Diver_34 on

    But the president said come on man don’t be dumb. We can’t modify the weather. 🤡

  4. pocaSperanza on

    Absolutely love the suppression of up votes. The CCP would be proud of reddit

  5. pocaSperanza on

    Great finding OP. Too bad reddit doctors the upvotes and hides controversial topics

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