Hallo zusammen,

    Ich habe gestern die Migros Bio Rösti bei Migros gekauft, aber als ich sie geöffnet habe, sieht sie ganz anders aus als auf der Verpackung abgebildet. Ich bin etwas verwirrt und frage mich, ob ich vielleicht ein schlechtes Produkt gekauft habe, oder ob es eigentlich so aussehen soll?

    Entschuldigung für meine Ahnungslosigkeit – ich kaufe zum ersten Mal Rösti und bin mir nicht sicher, was mich erwarten wird!


    Von PositiveReporter5610


    1. SwissPewPew on

      Looks like a McKinsey special!

      Take it back to the store, escort the manager to the back room and “encourage” him to sign a paper where Migros agrees to pay you a 200 CHF refund! /s

    2. ReflexAlex on

      Yeah , something definitely looks off there. Take it all back and show them this

    3. SuccotashTimely1183 on

      It should look a similar colour to that on the package. Don’t eat that! (Unless you put lots and lots of pepper there that would explain that greyish color)

    4. Anouchavan on

      This is 200% rotten rösti, bud. I’m surprised you didn’t smell it when you opened it.

    5. KelticQueen on

      yes, it’s off. doesn’t it has a smell as hell? maybe package was punctured.

      send MIgros a Mail

    6. matadorius on

      If you don’t like it you can fine them with 200 francs no worries as long as this is your policy you might need yo check with youself

    7. Mhmm Rösti with free Mushrooms /s

      Don’t eat that, that looks very nasty. Didn’t it smell rotten?

    8. ShadowEntity on

      Is that straight from the package? No butter or pepper added, nothing overheated?

      Because this looks like nothing that should ever resemble rösti, even store bought. Haven’t tried that Migros brand myself but others definitely don’t look so bad, I wouldn’t touch it.

    9. JFSebastian64 on

      looks more like an opened Scottish haggis – definitely not Swiss rösti

    10. Go with this image back in the store or send it to the migros support. You will get your money back

    11. looks fucked. interesting, though, because I’ve never bought anything from a grocery store in Switzerland that was already expired or rotten.

    12. I had a similar problem, the packaging started inflating like it started fermenting. When I opened it it was one of the worst odors I have ever smelled. I just threw it but it was the first time in my life I had a problem like this.

    13. Boahhh getting naseous just by looking at that picture. Sorry, very unlucky to pick a rotten Rösti. Didn’t even know it can rot.

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