Donald Trump muss im Schichtbetrieb bei McDonald’s Chips frittieren, um sich über Kamala Harris’ früheren Job lustig zu machen


  1. DogEatChiliDog on

    Bullshit. I worked fast food briefly as a teenager and they made me watch 3 hours of training videos before they would let me anywhere near the deep fryer. He would not be able to even get through that part.

  2. MaryJaneAssassin on

    No he won’t.

    They’ll show up at a McDonalds for some cheesy fucking photo op and then leave.

  3. modifiedminotaur on

    What kind of upside down world do we live in where he accuses her of PADDING her resume with McDonald’s anyway!?!

    It used to be people claiming they had high level business or military experience or university degrees they questioned. But with Trump, it is an entry level, no experience or degree necessary position. At freaking McDonald’s…

    My low key theory is he holds their food in such high regard he can not fathom her even being remotely associated with it.

  4. OverlyComplexPants on

    “Get the manager and the first aid kit! Donnie’s bobbing for french fries again!”

  5. Ecstatic_Tip_9290 on

    She was attorney general of California, a job that you can’t just have some redneck retards vote you into (not without also being a licensed attorney anyway)… what’s Rapey Don trying to prove here? That she used to be a teenager and needed to make her own money?

  6. Trump would not have the stamina to work a full shift as a fry cook at mcDs.

    It’s hilarious to me that he even thinks anyone gives two sh*ts about this issue.

  7. Zealousideal-Camp-51 on

    Curious how that’s relevant or going to help his cause?
    Why do we care she if did or didn’t work at McDonald’s.
    Apparently he didn’t have these types of jobs. Which BTW they teach NOT to put on your resume while IN college. So WTF?
    He never had a job working at some place other than daddy’s. He never really went to college and paid any attention to how to fill out your resume. He never used one. Show me his resume.

    Are we missing those facts he gave us?

  8. 2EZ_El_Gallo on

    Ha, that like letting the fox in the henhouse. If he doesn’t burn himself first, he’ll be stuffing his pockets with fries.

    Kamala should start 12 business and have them all fail to mock him back.

  9. This is exactly what needs to be done less than a month away from Election day

  10. Imaginary_Month_3659 on

    Trump is absolutely pathetic and this speaks to his narcissism. Imagine being so worked up about a rival that you would pull such a stunt.

    She had a regular job as a teenager and he did not. Doing a photo op in a business suit in front of a fryer for ten minutes isn’t going to change a damn thing.

  11. Working-Mousse-6822 on

    Realistically he does not qualify for a McDonald’s job with his criminal record but yet he can be president?!

  12. Gonna wonder how many of the burgers come out with bites taken out of them.

  13. outgoinggallery_2172 on

    I guarantee you that racist fucker is going to be stealing money from the restaurant’s safe just like he has stole money from other places.

  14. doctorfortoys on

    I’m pretty sure McDonalds doesn’t want him ruining their brand.

  15. Gold-Judgment-6712 on

    He couldn’t even do it. Let him try, and spill hot oil all over himself.

  16. Striking-Giraffe5922 on

    No! That fat slob will have nappy shit under his nails!

  17. n3w4cc01_1nt on

    “mayor mccheese ok the mayor right ok he’s a fat head if anyone should be the president of mcdonaldstan it should be djt because who knows more about secret sauce than MY FRIENDS ”

    ok that’s not funny at all and they are baiting us into subhuman behavior

  18. FuTuReShOcKeD60 on

    I don’t eat McDonald’s food. But if I did, I would never eat at McDonald’s again.

  19. Thaddeus206 on

    Announce something then back out and still take the credit- typical trump move

  20. Those other employees should either protest or quit and get another fast food job if Trump is going to make fun of those who work there. Work an 8 hour shift then see how easy it is. I worked at McDonald’s in high school- I started at 5:00 am and worked non stop for 8 hours on the week end and on evenings during the school year and 8 hours a day, 5 days a week in the summer. How dare he make fun of a respectable job for many people. I hope his make- up doesn’t drip into the food – the fry station is very hot. Let Trump clean out the grease filled fryer, he won’t be able to- he’ll whine and complain if they have him do it.

  21. HeHateMe337 on

    This is a nothing burger. McDonald’s never said Kamala didn’t work for them. Everyone has worked jobs that they don’t continually put on their resume. I worked a Target for 6 months. That was only my resume for the next job I got. Then I was on to something else.

  22. brothersp0rt on

    I’m picturing some sort of Michael Scott with the baler situation.

  23. VaccumSaturdays on

    The dude should do an entire shift at the fryer to understand the endurance needed to work a blue collar job like this.

  24. Artistic-Outcome-546 on

    So let me get this straight- McDonald’s is going to allow him to come there and mock the job and insult all of their current and former employees? I don’t think so.

  25. b00g3rw0Lf on

    as a former fast food worker i find shit like this incredibly insulting. he could not give one iota of a fuck about the people who work at his favorite restaurant. he will find some way to make a mockery of this.

  26. Fuzzy-Butterscotch86 on

    I’m all for this clown making an ass of himself, but you really can’t have someone prepping food with shit in their pants. 

  27. Midnight_Cowboy-486 on

    By shift, we mean just long enough for two pictures. Right?

  28. Repubs_suck on

    So, mocking the stuff people do for jobs is a good thing now? Trump is such an asshole.

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