China stellt ehrgeizige Pläne für eine bemannte Mondmission und eine Mondforschungsstation vor – Chinas Pläne umfassen die Erforschung außerirdischen Lebens, Exoplaneten sowie den Ursprung und die Ausbreitung des Universums


  1. From the article

    >[China]( on Tuesday announced its plans for a manned [lunar mission]( that includes building an international [space station]( and exploring[ habitable planets]( and[ extraterrestrial life](

    >China also aims to[ put a person on the moon before 2030](, which would make it the second nation after the [US]( to do so.

    >The mid- to long-term development strategy will guide its missions and research initiatives from 2024 to 2050. These initiatives also represent a significant[ expansion of the country’s space program]( over the coming decades.

  2. Maleficent-Salad3197 on

    They plan long term. We moronic Americans swing like a pendulum to crazy and back every four years. Meanwhile the world passes us by. They will be settup multiplanet habitats while we die on earth.

  3. Goingupriver20 on

    Why is it so difficult if we were able to do this with the technology of a calculator and make a rotary phone call to the White House from the moon in the 1060’s 🤔

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