Australien schickt 49 ausgemusterte Panzer in die Ukraine – Capital Brief

Von Beratungsmarketing


  1. GiantBlackSquid on

    Fuckin’ FINALLY! Albo, you might be a massive disappointment, but at least you did this. More than Scummo.

  2. john_moses_br on

    That’s a nice amount of tanks, and the Ukrainians are already familiar with them so shouldn’t take too long get them deployed.

  3. WalkerBuldog on

    Wow, that is more than the US did. Shows how much they are willing to help honestly. And finally idiots will stop saying that Ukraine doesn’t need Abrams tanks

  4. Sallandstrots on

    Australia to send 49 retired tanks to Ukraine
    The Albanese government will send a fleet of retired M1A1 tanks to Ukraine as its war with Russia drags on.

    Albanese ?????? Typo …… or are they going first to Albania?

  5. astarinthenight on

    What is best in life?

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

    Glory to Ukraine!

  6. Half-Shark on

    Fuck yeah. Very happy for a small portion of my tax to go to Ukraine. I’d love for a lot more tbh. I wonder if we’ll ever send the F18’s….

  7. Fuck yeah cunts! Hope the boys in the Blue and Gold put them the damn good use!

  8. tubbyttub9 on

    Good use of our taxes. Hopefully this helpss you end things faster. 🇦🇺♥️🇺🇦.

  9. Albania or Australia?

    Very confusing article. Worse because both countries are mentioned more than once. Am I missing something or what’s going on here?

    Edit, not Albania. Apparently the prime minister of Australia os called “Albanese”, which for someone from The Netherlands I did not know. Lol.

    Anyway, this is good news. Well done ~~Albania~~ Australia

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