Ukrainische Schützenpanzer vom Typ Marder 1a3 greifen russische Stellungen in einer Baumgrenze an, während die Russen mit Panzerfäusten auf sie schießen, sie aber weiterhin verfehlen. Kursk-Front.


  1. Sea-Butterscotch1174 on

    German armor on the attack in Kursk. Time to call America for backup and send in the Ukrainians.

    Oh wait…

  2. WannabeGynodoc69 on

    Wow. What kind of incompetent army is this. Imagine Russia being attacked by China. I would have pity for them. When would the start retaking ground? Behind the Ural?

  3. Warrandytian on

    Something flew past at 10 and 41 seconds. That 20mm should be suppressing those positions. Seems risky to turn side on to where fire is coming from, but can only see this pov.

  4. octahexxer on

    wow first real combat footage of the marder…that was intense stuff raining all over

  5. Icy_Cockroach_5011 on

    AH it is the short Koreans shooting them the cannot see passed the hedge.

  6. Shankill-Road on

    I’d like to know/see how accurate the return is & what type of damage it does.

  7. AldronicusRex on

    Handy that the orcs keep marking their position.Hopefully saves time

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