Der Rechtsprofessor Diarmuid Phelan bekennt sich des Mordes an einem Mann im Bezirk Dublin auf nicht schuldig

    Von Miserable-Tangelo565


    1. Miserable-Tangelo565 on

      Interesting to see this case starting on the 20 year anniversary of the Nally incident. We’ll see how the legal system handles self-defence against consistent criminality on farms.

    2. Will be an intriguing case, it sounds like he will know his rights and the laws more than anyone representing him…

    3. Why put Law Professor in the headline? Did the law professor not know that shooting somebody in the back of the head is against the law?

    4. InitiativeHour2861 on

      The article seems to indicate that there may be some connection with coursing or badgering.

      People selected for the jury were asked to identify themselves if they were involved in coursing, fox coursing or badgering.

      Wouldn’t identifying yourself as being involved in any of these be admitting to a crime?

    5. “If they knew anything about Keith Bono Conlon, also known as Keith Green, or about Callum Coleman, also known as Callie Ryan, or about a Robin, or Robert Duggan, with a nickname Rob Minicob, they should not serve, she said. She named four other people and told the jury panel not to serve if they knew any of those.”

      How many pseudo-names do the people in this case have?

    6. InitiativeHour2861 on

      Whatever about the legal, non-lethal, variants of coursing and fox hunting.

      Badgering is definitely illegal, right?

      It seems like an odd thing to be asking someone to identify themselves in court for, especially if as

    7. earth-calling-karma on

      Why is he not a ‘father-of-one’ or is that just some headline-type to describe a working/unemployed class man on trial for homicidal tendencies.

    8. Rainshores on

      how could you get away with shooting someone dead in the back of the head?

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