Wie die Erde am Ende des letzten Gletschermaximums vor etwa 18.000 Jahren ausgesehen haben könnte.

Von hominoid_in_NGC4594


  1. PretendConnection589 on

    Would’ve thought the Antarctic ice sheets spread up into Patagonia as well

  2. Cid_Helveticus on

    The Red Sea was a lake and the Persian Gulf has to exist yet.

  3. Any reason why Aral and Caspian seas were so full despite a lot more water than today was iced in polars?

  4. DeeDee_GigaDooDoo on

    Interesting that the Caspian Sea is actually bigger while the oceans have shrunk and the Sahara has an internal sea/lake.

    In the case of the Caspian Sea I wonder if it’s due to increased rainfall, meltwater, reduced evaporation or all three? It’s not connected to the ocean so it’s not subject to losing volume due to it being locked up in ice at the poles.

    In the case of the Sahara I believe that’s just due to the milankovitch cycles shifting rainfall patterns more northwards. I knew the Sahara has been greener repeatedly at many points over the past 100kya or so but didn’t realise it was thought to have an internal sea.

  5. Wow the Caspian was huge, connected to the Aral Sea was very interesting.

  6. XComThrowawayAcct on

    We’re pretty sure that all indigenous people in the Americas are descended from migrants in eastern Siberia who migrated along the land bridge where the Bering Sea is now.

    What we don’t know is *how they got thru all that ice.* There could’ve been a corridor of ice-free territory, but that’s pretty speculative. The existence of that ice sheet is the best argument for a coastal migration route.

  7. Your_Kindly_Despot on

    Serious Question: Wouldn’t the areas of current desertification (Middle East, Central Australia, etc.) have been “greener” since global temps would make these areas less arid?

  8. raisinghellwithtrees on

    It’s hard to see the Florida peninsula, but I’m pretty sure it was about twice as thick with the Florida escarpment being above water.

  9. Lemmy_Axe_U_Sumphin on

    It’s interesting there aren’t more glaciers in and around the Sierra Nevada since most of the landscapes were shaped by glaciers (think Yosemite).

  10. Sir_Tainley on

    (1) Wasn’t the “Green Sahara” a thing during the ice age? Along with Green Arabia? (I may have my timeline confused; I know the Green Sahara has come and gone a few times)

    (2) There was open sea in the Arctic? Really?

  11. Cautious-Milk-6524 on

    I’m questioning the accuracy of this. See levels may be accurate, but the vegetation should be different (Sahara desert, etc)

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