Religionsgeschichte Albaniens

Von bilalselim


  1. Chu-Two-Loo on

    I would not have taken Albania for being that heavily Muslim 🤔…

  2. epicredditdude1 on

    Anyone know why the Ottoman presence had such an influence on religion in Albania, but not in any other Balkan countries?

    I think this was covered in the Talk Tuah podcast last week, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to watch.

  3. PrestigiousBug3316 on

    Albania is one of the few countries with muslim majority and other believes where no one fights for the death of the other. Something to respect.

  4. CREEPERTACO923 on

    What’s going on in the southwest for an increase in irreligious folks?

  5. PineappleHierophant on

    Though in Albania all religions were forbidden for decades.

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