Sollte das COVID-19-Impfprogramm sofort gestoppt werden? *siehe Links in den Kommentaren

Von missscarlett1977


  1. mightyparrotyt on

    lol Robert F Kennedy is responsible for the deaths of dozens of children for telling them not to get a vaccine, they then died of disease.

  2. Wooden-Buffalo-8690 on

    This should have never happened. The biggest most evil crime in the History of Mankind and the people responsible rewarded with Billions.

  3. Naturally_Fragrant on

    If you were under 50 and had no comorbidities, then the vaccine had no benefit to you, but exposed you to potential risk from side effects.

  4. Routine_Simple3988 on

    Haters gonna hate… Pushers gonna push… 👀

    …I’m just Saiyan… Super-Saiyan 🧑💥👱

  5. Glad to see the pro-government anti-vax crowd is still going strong on using the images of dead teens to sell something

    I’m sure you’ll sway the mainstream with this one!

  6. Philippines increased their deaths by 40% in 2021 vs 2020…. They will get away with it… heard mentality is humans Achilles heel


    I’m old enough to remember when reddit allowed users to wish death on “anti-vaxers”. They would also ban anyone who had legitimate questions or concerns regarding the vaccine. The reason I bring this up is because it’s not just the pharmaceutical industry and government responsible, it’s also social media and MSM who played a large role.

  8. MurtMan888 on

    Darwin’s mystery juice. Free will. Let people enjoy their freedom to choose!

  9. Funny that most“anti-vaxxers” are alive today because vaccines have saved countless lives throughout the years.

  10. Unknown_Beast88 on

    Of course it should be.It was never about your health to begin with.”Trust the science” basically means trust your goverment and their lies and be obedient.

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