Eine gute körperliche Fitness von der Kindheit bis zur Jugend ist mit einer besseren psychischen Gesundheit im Teenageralter verbunden, was zu weniger Stress und weniger depressiven Symptomen führt
>In a study by the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä and the Institute of Biomedicine at the University of Eastern Finland, the physical fitness of 241 adolescents was followed from childhood to adolescence for eight years. The study showed that better cardiorespiratory fitness and improvements in it from childhood to adolescence were associated with fewer stress and depressive symptoms in adolescence.
>Additionally, the study found that better motor fitness from childhood to adolescence was associated with better cognitive function and fewer stress and depressive symptoms. However, the association between motor fitness and depressive symptoms was weaker than the one between cardiorespiratory fitness and depressive symptoms. Screen time measured in adolescence partly explained the associations of cardiorespiratory fitness and motor fitness with mental health.
Paper: [Childhood Physical Fitness as a Predictor of Cognition and Mental Health in Adolescence: The PANIC Study | Sports Medicine](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-024-02107-z)
Did they control this for the douchebag sports bros who felt great in high school because they were terrorizing everyone else? This is such a common phenomenon that it’s literally a film meme.
It would help if gym class actually focused on building healthy exercise habits and helping kids find their preferred exercise activity vs sport-of-the-month like when I was a kid.
Except for parachute day. You can never get rid of parachute day.