Was halten Sie von der Idee, eine Oghuz-Khan-Statue auf der Absheron-Halbinsel, die in Richtung Turkmenistan zeigt, und eine weitere Statue auf der anderen Seite in Turkmenistan als Denkmal zu errichten? Ich denke, es ist eine coole Möglichkeit, die Geschichte des Landes darzustellen – die Statue wäre weiter entfernt als auf dem Bild


Von BlackNomad1


  1. Dəlilərin ağlına fikir salma. Sənə 1 milyarda abidə lazımdır?)

  2. jannissary1453 on

    lets build it with pure gold so our enemies can see how drippy we are

  3. caius_maximus on

    They could mark each end of the 200km trans-Caspian bridge between Baku and Ufra

  4. No no, I have a better idea, lets we build one in Canakkale pointing to aze, Bakü,you build one that arms pointing to both Türkmenistan and canakkale, tür and Türkmen one looking to Bakü

  5. FancyDictator on

    Pox kimi, bu ölkəyə elə sənin kimi vətəndaşlar lazımdır 

  6. UxasBecomeDarkseid on

    I’m not surprised the people of Nardaran and Lankaran hate you for being larping shits.

  7. Zealousideal_Cry_460 on

    İ’d love one in my country. Historic/pre-islamic statues in general is sorta hard to come by.

    İ’d only worry that they’d arabify the statues like they did with the Bumin Khagan bust. They gave the Ata Khan a goddamn turban.

  8. Leamsezadah on

    I would prefer Cavanshir, Oghuz Khagan and Atropates, triple statues

  9. FewAastronaut on

    And let’s not build it knowing how much money will go there.

  10. Icy-Macaroon1070 on

    Basbayağı Arap bir tip şu. Göz var nizam var. Oğuz öncelikle müslüman falan değil. Her şeyi Araplara benzetmeyin Aq.

  11. kurdechanian on

    Yeah, the only thing we didn’t have was a giant political leader statue. Oh, wait…

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