Apple hat jedes Jahr 1 Mrd. US-Dollar in sein Autoprojekt gesteckt, bevor es aufgegeben wurde. Tim Cooks Unternehmen zieht jetzt die Testgenehmigung für autonome Fahrzeuge in Kalifornien zurück: Hier ist mehr


  1. FartBoi1324 on

    They did the math and decided that they wouldn’t sell enough of them to be profitable. 

  2. FujiKilledTheDSLR on

    Well when you have ~$100B just sitting in the bank, you can afford this kinda thing

  3. Article241 on

    It’s called R&D. While costly and not always successful, I’m sure there were lessons learned that Apple could perhaps apply to their other endeavors.

  4. Bigwilliam360 on

    I know a guy who did research/work on the car project and from what he’s told me it really sounds like they just were so far in over their heads with it. It would’ve cost them so much money to actually get the logistics of it figured out (I.e factories to build, all the different parts) that there was really no world they could’ve made a dime off of it.

  5. nobody_important9 on

    Couldn’t they just buy an established car brand? Like they would have enough money to buy Mercedes and would have instant access to all the tech

  6. Silicon_Knight on

    1B sounds like a lot to us, but thats such a small portion of their budgets. Their revenue was 520B and I assume this 1B was netted out over several years.

  7. a drop in the bucket compared to the billions these companies are burning trying to make AI a thing

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