Benjamin Netanyahu sagt Joe Biden, dass Israel keine Atom- oder Ölanlagen des Iran ins Visier nehmen wird


  1. TheTelegraph on

    ***The Telegraph reports:***

    [Israel]( will not attack Iran’s oil or nuclear facilities ahead of the [US election](, [Benjamin Netanyahu](, the Israeli prime minister, reportedly told [Joe Biden](

    The price of oil fell after The Washington Post reported that Israel’s response will be relatively restrained and focus on Iran’s military bases.

    Mr Biden, the US president, had [advised Israel not to strike nuclear]( or oil plants, fearful of a spike in oil prices that could swing the election against the Democrats.

    Israel’s response will be carried out before the US election on Nov 5, two sources told The Post.

    **Read more:** [****](

  2. I feel like he might anyway; Netenyahu wants a Trump win and obviously isn’t above lying to Biden.

  3. Kindly_Tadpole_426 on

    He ll attack Iran anyway , whether Biden Administration says yes or no .. He ll attack cuz he CAN … As simple as that …

  4. secondshotatthis on

    This may be a myopic perspective, but wouldn’t an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities be a strategic benefit for, really, the free world? I assume the wisdom against this would be escalation of violence but if Israel’s attack is impactful enough, wouldn’t anything lead to that? If that is the case, might as well take out their nuclear.

  5. Eric848448 on

    That sounds like what somebody who’s going to target Iranian nuclear and oil facilities would say.

  6. So what do they target?

    Its not like Biden or the American people will remember this anyway.

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