USA drohen Israel: Humanitäre Krise in Gaza lösen oder Waffenembargo drohen – Bericht


  1. BringbackDreamBars on

    Original Hebrew Source at [](🙂

    # The US threatens Israel: resolve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza – or we will impose an arms embargo


    The US sent a clear message to Israel, according to which the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip must be resolved within a month, and if not, an arms embargo will be imposed on it, N12 learned today (Tuesday). A letter to ministers Ron Dermer and Yoav Galant, where the demand was conveyed.

    “In accordance with Israel’s commitment in March 2024 to allow and not prevent the transfer of American humanitarian aid or aid supported by the administration in Gaza, the State Department must conduct an audit in accordance with the aid law,” it said.

    The administration expressed deep concern over the “deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza in recentweeks”, and raised a demand to see urgent steps within the next month in order to reverse the trend. The Americanspoint out that since the promises made in March, the lowest amount of aid entering the Strip was recorded in September.

    “In order to change the negative humanitarian trend and in accordance with its promises, Israel must take concrete steps within 30 days. Failure to implement these steps may lead to consequences for the policy of the United States in accordance with American law (the foreign aid program to Israel – arms embargo).”

  2. 7thAndGreenhill on

    I’m not seeing this being reported elsewhere, yet. Until other news sources pick it up, I remain skeptical.

  3. quitaskingmetomakean on

    This seems dumb politically for this admin, but that wouldn’t be new. 

    Why threaten Israel with an arms embargo 3 weeks before an election in the US and give Israel a date to comply of 30 days? 

    If it’s to shore up American Muslim support, is telling the rest of the country you’d abandon Israel (and that’s how it could be spun) a winning move politically? Does it matter if you win Dearborn and lose Pennsylvania?

    If it’s a genuine humanitarian concern, this admin should have come to with a real plan and not a doomed PR pier. 

  4. Election is coming up fast, have to make noises about Israel to limit loss of votes from the pro Hamas liberals.

  5. Eatthehamsters69 on

    Even if you are a diehard Israel supporter, you should still support pressure on Netanyahu to resolve Palestine in a peaceful and dignified way.

    There will never be peace in the region as long as it remains in limbo

  6. RottingMandarine on

    Israel Has informed the people of Gaza to evacuate south as raids on the city will begin. Since only Hamas terrorists are left in town, Israel does not need to provide them aid.

    But, as was reported previously Hamas has stopped the people from leaving, Then Hamas should feed them.

  7. SuspiciousFishRunner on

    I know a bunch of anti-Israel useful idiots are going to cream their pants over this, but I can say with complete confidence that this is not going to happen as it would directly disadvantage the US’ position in the Middle East. At most this is electoral politics, but more likely just a poorly sourced rumor turned into a news article.

  8. > “Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”

    Prime Minister Menachem Begin, last time Biden threatened an arms embargo when he was a senator in ’82.

    Still stands.

  9. How are they supposed to resolve a humanitarian crisis with a terrorist organization actively tampering with any solution.

  10. McRibs2024 on

    Odd time to do this.

    Election is coming up. We just sent more military hardware with actual troops.

    Unsure what Biden’s plan actually is. Seems like he tosses darts at the policy wall and bases his decisions on this.

  11. Jonestr127 on

    So we have no problem with the humanitarian crisis with Yemen? We supply arms to Saudi Arabia to commit atrocities endless. Israel defends itself against an organization that literally raped women bloody in the streets of its own territory… We all of a sudden have a huge issue. Never mind all of Israel’s neighbors are attacking her and she isn’t shunned to attack back?

    This is just bad politics towards an alliance that has been good to us.

  12. Memes_Haram on

    Hamas stealing aid and forcing Gazans to stay put and not evacuate is what is causing the humanitarian crisis.

  13. Shady_bookworm51 on

    Sounds like an empty threat just like any other time the USA has threatened any sort of consequences for Israel

  14. blackodethilaEnjoyer on

    The US enforcing embargo on Israel is the shortest joke ever.

  15. ReasonablyBadass on

    Why not ask Egypt? Afaik Israel isn’t blocking their border?

  16. Electrical_Block1798 on

    Don’t wars typically end with someone surrendering? It seems like Hamas surrendering is the only real way fighting would stop

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