Wie die Erde mit ihren derzeitigen internationalen Grenzen in 250 Millionen Jahren aussehen wird

Von Individual-Sun-9426


  1. LudwigNeverMises on

    Time to start buying cheap real estate in Antarctica before it slips into a warmer climate zone.

  2. Ok-Advertising-8359 on

    MAGAs gonna freak w/ all those brown and black people having easy access.

  3. allanrjensenz on

    Florida is no more 🗣️🗣️🗣️🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅

  4. sorryibitmytongue on

    Seeing ‘DR Congo’ written without a dot in the D.R made me think it was a doctor called Congo lol

  5. KingKohishi on

    This is wrong. Africa is already splitting through the Great Rift Valley.

  6. utkarshshrivastava on

    India would be a maritime superpower & a trade hub if humanity still existed or some other intelligent species having the concept of countries

  7. OrneryAutho on

    Would this kind of collision between states possibly make higher mountains than Mt Everest?

  8. Frosty_Kat on

    I’m gonna hike Mt. New York and buy some oceanfront property in Phoenix!

  9. Looking that far into the future makes me a little sad. Life on earth is only projected to have 1 billion years left because of the sun’s lifecycle. The earth will still be around though.

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