LIGA: Russland bildet ein Bataillon aus nordkoreanischen Staatsangehörigen


  1. Flimsy_List8004 on

    Take pictures of their corpses and have SK balloon them over.

  2. Chance_Gur7169 on

    Who wants to place bets that this unit will have the highest percentage of deserters?

  3. Fun-Interaction-2358 on

    Deployment as barrier troops may also be an option for these. Perhaps replacement of the tic-tocs? 🤔

  4. No-Midnight4116 on

    So if russia used nk-soldiers officially, what implications could that have escalation-wise for ukraine? What nations could be the eqiuvivalent for getting involved on ulraines side?

  5. So now there will be Ukrainian battalion comprised of western soldiers?

  6. Puzzleheaded-Cap1300 on

    Some are already desrting.

    For the ones that don’t, I predict a virtuous circle involving nk soldiers and dogs.

  7. All the talk about them going to be deserters or they’re going to die or whatever aside. Ukrainians are still going to die

  8. Drop noodle cups over them with notes saying “Anyone who defects gets free food for life”

  9. Inevitable-Revenue81 on

    Do anyone have information what is the health standards of a NK soldier? Do they eat normally and do they use any weapons normally?

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there will be plenty of documentation of being substandard on countless levels.

  10. How many will surrender to be fed and escape? Who knows. I do know they aren’t long for this world when they take on the Ukrainian army.💪🇺🇦💪

  11. Fire up the meat grinder, boys. There’s work to be done. These emaciated drones are better off anyways.

  12. PsychologicalLog4179 on

    The way russia keeps making up their own rules while threatening everyone else not to do the same is the most ridiculous shit ever. Fuck these people so hard.

  13. physicshammer on

    Battalion: I.e. approximately enough guys for one days worth of casualties. Joking aside though, this alliance building is very dangerous. We should have helped Ukraine defeat Russia two years ago.

  14. This isn’t just scraping the bottom of the barrel, this is scraping through the bottom of the barrel and into the dirt underneath it.

  15. VelvetFedoraSniffer on

    south korea should at the very least pay ukraine per death

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