Mein jährlicher Beitrag „Wear a fluovestje“. Draußen wird es langsam dunkler, machen Sie sich so sichtbar wie möglich. Läufer, Spaziergänger mit dem Hund oder Biker

Von fluffypuffyz


  1. BanCarsPlease on

    What if we ban all cars instead and we only use bikes and trains?

  2. SadExpression4372 on

    Wen I’m on the bike I’m 100% fluo jacket and pants.
    Safety First

  3. TheShirou97 on

    Absolutely true if you’re walking/cycling somewhere without street lighting especially (not to mention the mandatory equipment on bikes at night)

  4. Or just obey the law.. reflectors and lights are the real lifesavers

  5. LiberalSwanson on

    As a cyclist I 100% agree.

    To anticipate on all the car drivers who say it needs to be mandatory: can you tell me why your vehicle should haven’t fluo Paint?

  6. I once collided with a cyclist at 5 in the morning. He barely had lights and was not visible, luckily i had to slow down to take a sharp turn. I didnt see the guy in my mirrors eventhough it was a long road before the turn.

    Dude felt he was at fault because he wasnt visible. I offered to get him and his bike to his work. (We were both going to an industrieterrein). After dropping him off I asked his number and gave him mine, just in case.

    I called him after work if he needed a commute back home since his front wheel was broken. We didnt file any insurance but we often greet each other at the lights. He is now wearing a fluo shirt and bigger lights on his bike.

  7. trekuwplan on

    Don’t forget you can get free entry into a lot of places with a notebook and a hi-vis jacket!

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