Glenn Youngkin versuchte, Trump reinzuwaschen, und ein fassungsloser Jake Tapper wollte es nicht


  1. Admirable_Nothing on

    Watching these politicians try and cover for Trump is insane. They have no spine nor do they have any love of country or constitution and should never hold any position of political power in our nation while they ignore the constitution and the laws of the land.

  2. onceinawhile222 on

    Well. Another Republican leader lying to you. Donald didn’t say that. Listen to Donald say it again. Maybe he said those words but you don’t know what Donald’s thinking. Another gutless wonder who thinks Donald is right for America. Welcome to 1930’s Germany Glenn.

  3. Heavy-Excuse4218 on

    This interview is why I hate pretty much ALL politicians. And while Trumo Era Republicans are perhaps the worst offenders ever, let’s not act like Dems are much better.

    The “game” of politics has become simply avoiding the Question and talking over the questioner with your talking points. No matter how disjointed your response or off topic it is, you “win” the “game” by simply not acknowledging the premise of the question.

    Perfect example is here. Tapper asks him about a direct quote from Fatty VonShitzz. Youngkin says “I believe what Fatty was talking about is using the military on illegals.”

    Clearly Fatty was not talking about illegals. But it doesn’t matter fu the modern politician. Bc the “game” was won by not acknowledging.

    They all do this. No party is immune. I’m sure if I watched clips from the Meet the Press from this past Sunday whoever the Dem talking head on was would be guilty if the same thing.

    Why do we put up with any of these clowns if we know that they all do this same game? Sure your guy or gal may do the game saying stuff you like. But it’s ultimately the same disingenuous crap.

  4. HauntingSentence6359 on

    Trump said what he said. Sycophants like Youngkin are trying to be Trump whispers.

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