Neue Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass der Umgang mit Gleichaltrigen mit niedrigerem Status unser eigenes Glücksniveau steigert.
Why we thrive when others fall behind: study finds having lower-status peers boosts our happiness
Neue Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass der Umgang mit Gleichaltrigen mit niedrigerem Status unser eigenes Glücksniveau steigert.
Why we thrive when others fall behind: study finds having lower-status peers boosts our happiness
“The results showed that participants who were told they had relatively higher status within the group reported significantly higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction compared to those who were told they had lower status.
Participants also felt happier when their teammates had lower status.
This suggests a competitive element: people feel better when they rank higher relative to their peers.”
One’s own success doesn’t give one as much satisfaction as does the failure of others.