Hallo liebe Kosovaren, da ich Bosniake bin, interessiert mich wirklich, was Sie über unser in Ihrem Land lebendes Volk denken. Gibt es eine Chance, dass wir eine Gemeinde gründen können, und gibt es berühmte kosovarische Bosniaken, auf die Sie stolz sind?


Von Mental_Valuable8710


  1. No particular opinion. And I feel like the large majority in Kosovo is very very indifferent to Bosnians. I lived in Mitrovica for a few years and Boshnjak Mahalla is right there over the bridge and yes there we have more day to day ties with Bosnians but in general there is very little thought from the Kosovo Albanians towards Bosnians. I mean there is a very good possibility that you probably would never interact with them if you wouldn’t go to certain parts of Kosovo.

  2. There are many in Pejë, hands down my favorite minorities in Kosovë, had a lot of Bosniak friends and more 😆. Maybe Vitomericë could be one but bosniaks are scattered around and not in one place, we could make one if we can benefit politically.

  3. Its one of the communities that respect our Kosovo state and flag more than us Albanians. It pretty much represents how Kosovo was supposed to be. A multiethnic state for all the people living in it.

  4. illyguy998 on

    My GF is a quarter Bosnian, and her mom is half.

    I love her other part as well, we talk about the food and places in Bosnia, I have a positive outlook, lots of Bosnians either exist in very small communities, or through their kids from marrying Albanian males.

    I personally think so far, we have coexisted very well.

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