„Pulp Fiction“ wird 30: Wie Quentin Tarantinos Meisterwerk Karrieren rettete, Filmfestivals eroberte und das Kino für immer veränderte



  1. TylerDurdenEsq on

    John Travolta should be paying Tarantino royalties or something forever

  2. Unable-Wolf4105 on

    I remember seeing this in the movie theater, people may of forgot how wild this movie was at the time! News stations constantly reporting that Tarantino went to far with the violence. Good times.

  3. KSouphanousinphone on

    I rewatched it recently and was surprised that it seemed to have aged badly. But that perception may be due to all the inferior movies and dialogues that this one inspired over the years.

    Although I am still scratching my head at why QT cast himself as the n-word dropping side character.

  4. 30?! Jesus. How has it been 30 years?? I feel an anxiety attack coming on.

  5. WheresFlatJelly on

    Still a movie I’m amazed at watching. I’d like to see Breaking bad meets Pulp Fiction

  6. I’ve never seen this movie but want to, especially knowing we’ll never get a Kill Bill Vol.3

  7. genx_redditor_73 on

    changed cinema forever – check. I never watched a movie the same after.

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