Netanjahu teilte den USA mit, dass Israel iranisches Militär und nicht Atom- oder Ölziele angreifen werde, sagen Beamte


  1. IfIKnewThen on

    Well fortunately, we don’t have any reason to doubt what he says.


  2. Netanyahu and every person who follows his genocidal politics are responsible for ruined lives and families. Same as Putin and Russians with their actions towards Ukraine. US should take the right side.

  3. Interesting. The nuclear makes sense as it’s particularly difficult to achieve with the facilities being deep underground. I wonder why they also ruled out oil, concern for international trade, ecological disasters?

  4. If Bibi and Biden were smart, they would leak this intentionally to the press, before striking nuclear and oil facilities.

  5. In what bizarro timeline does a country publicly announce its plans to strike an enemy giving them the advantage of preparing for it?

    Is anyone other than me baffled by this?

  6. Used_Bunch_4558 on

    There wasnt another president in US history who was as cowardly as biden

  7. No, you’re ok Israel, go ahead and take out the nuclear as well. They have already showed us they will use it if ever allowed to harness it.

  8. Beauteous_cumguzzler on

    Terrorist regimes like Iran/Russia are learning to play on western ‘fears of escalation’.

    So now they attack, then claim any response is ‘escalation’ – because useful idiots will swallow it up.

  9. Beauteous_cumguzzler on

    Iran launched 180 ballistic missiles into Israel and have the balls to say what a “red line” is? Israel could literally declare war on them immediately if they wanted to.

  10. if it is military targets i hope it will be on facilities that produce weapons for russia.

  11. negativeyoda on

    Suddenly… Iranian military is in the basement of every building

  12. AVeryBadMon on

    People are missing the hidden message here. In middle eastern geopolitics, this is how diplomacy is done. The powers in the region can’t back down because that will show weakness, but they’re also too proud and ideologically driven to have normal diplomatic ties. This is the alternative. They keep exchanging tit for tats, and adjust the scale and intensity based on the circumstances.

    In this case, after Israel bulldozed Iran’s crown proxy in Hezbollah (specifically Nasrallah), Iran felt like they needed to strike back to maintain their credibility to their allies. However, they also don’t want to escalate things to a war because that’ll end badly for them since they’re no match for the American led coalition in the region. So instead, they decided to launch a flashy barrage of empty missles that make a lot of good noise for PR but actually do little damage.

    This way Iran can pretend that it bested Israel while simultaneously signaling that they don’t want things to escalate. This isn’t new. We’ve already seen Iran do this when Soleimani was killed and again when Haniyeh was killed. This time doesn’t seem any different.

    The key here is that Biden managed to successfully convince Israel to not escalate further, at least on paper. Israel’s retaliation is going to be smaller than the barrage of missles that Iran launched, and Iran’s response to this will likely be even smaller, and they’ll continue launching smaller and smaller retaliatory strikes until they go back to the status quo.

    This is truly deescalation by escalation

  13. HarshComputing on

    My money is on taking out the Iranian air force. It sounds less impressive if you keep in mind it consists of a handful of museum pieces and would send the right message.

  14. The oilfields are supplying the military with fuel.
    The nuclear facilities are making material for military applications.

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