[OC] Wer hat den besten Porno? Die 100 besten fiktiven Charaktere nach durchschnittlicher Beitragspunktzahl auf Regel34

Von sugnimmingus


  1. PolyculeButCats on

    …bro these are cartoons. They keep the real women outside.

  2. Marxbrosburner on

    Funny that the top MHA character is literally invisible 😂

  3. ebullientAilurophile on

    Few things piss me off more than other people’s hentai tastes. This is sad.

  4. CyGoingPro on

    It is not legible.

    So this fails rule no. 1

    And who the fuck is that top scorer and why is he so far ahead.

  5. Peterrior55 on

    What is this “score” that is used to rank these characters? Because there is no way the Komi-San main character is number 1 in any meaningful metric.

  6. People who are not discerning will upvote or 5-star rate everything they see.

    People who are not discerning have terrible taste.

    These two factors create what we see here.

  7. MagnusBrickson on

    Wendy is near the top?

    No Tifa from FF7? No Jessie from Pokemon?

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