Das ist verrückt 😳

Von Virtual-Law-2644


  1. Sounds like an over zealous law enforcement media announcement rather than an assassination attempt. Dude is out on 5k bail. There was no assassination attempt or intent.

    “Sure officer, I’m here to kill Trump, that’s why I wore my special pants”

    Media: “He said he wanted to kill the president”

    Who knows what to believe anymore?

  2. Cryostatic_Nexus on

    Vem has been known to say “Iran” periodically recently. Good enough reason to connect him to the “assassination plot”. WAR IT IS!!!

  3. WSB_PermaBull on

    That was yo boy caught with 2 guns in his car? Dumb question, bro must have have them fully exposed for SS to see b/c if they were locked and hidden in his truck, who’d have known?

  4. Bull_Bound_Co on

    Might be staged after seeing what the first one did to Trumps ratings.

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