Mann bei Trump-Kundgebung wegen Packens von Waffen verhaftet, beteuert Unschuld und beruft sich auf Bewunderung für den ehemaligen Präsidenten


  1. TheNewYorkSun on

    The man arrested for carrying two firearms during a rally for President Trump at California’s Coachella Valley says that they have the wrong idea about him and that he doesn’t even know how to fire the cache of guns.

    “I always travel around with my firearms in the back of my truck. I’ve literally never even shot a gun in my life,” Vem Miller said in a phone interview with [Fox News](

    The Las Vegas native was arrested at a checkpoint for the campaign event on Saturday and accused of plotting what would have been a third assignation attempt on Trump. He said that he had no intentions of shooting the Republican presidential candidate, going so far as saying that Trump is “brave” and admires him for going after the media.

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  2. >I’ve literally never even shot a gun in my life,”

    What?! He owns multiple firearms but has never fired a gun?

  3. OhhhSookie on

    I just don’t feel like I need to feel anything over a cult and the craziness they bring with them.
    I honestly just do not care here.

  4. hey-coffee-eyes on

    Republicans: “Your freedom to own and carry a firearm SHALL. NOT. BE. INFRINGED” 

    Also Republicans: “why are you carrying firearms that’s like really strange”

  5. thepartypantser on

    This was likely not an assassination attempt.

    However it does highlight how easy it is for people with no training, no knowledge, and no common sense to acquire firearms in the US.

    This guy is an absolute idiot.

  6. Ok_Signature3413 on

    Honestly, it’s probably true. I’d imagine a lot of the nutjobs at these klan meetings hoard guns.

  7. accountabilitycounts on

    He is a republican, sovereign citizen nutter who loves trump. I may disagree with this guy on virtually everything, but he definitely wasn’t there to assassinate the one-time president.

  8. DoctahToboggan69 on

    Did you guys notice in arrrr con that the new talking point is: “political affiliation of a would be shooter doesn’t matter in a time like this!!”

    It’s too funny

  9. Myghost_too on

    I’m not understanding why they are not ENCOURAGING their Rally-cultist to carry at rally’s. I mean, they say it will keep the children safe in school, so wouldn’t it also keep the man-child safe in a group of 100k (aka 8k) like minded people?

    Seriously, this is proof that they don’t believe their own agenda of arming teachers. Whatever argument they have against arming cultists could be applied in support of not arming teachers too.

    You’d honestly think that they’d want every MAGA in the the half-full house packing an AR15. They could protect their dear leader, and they could shoot anyone guilty of leaving early. semi-/S

  10. Trump wants his supporters to have guns at his rallies.

    On Jan. 6 he was mad that secret service was making his thugs walk through metal detectors to get into the rally area at the ellipse. He wanted the metal detectors to be removed. Tons of people were on the outside, because they had guns and weapons.

    Looks like he’s changed his stance on that

  11. One_Dirty_Russian on

    Oh man, all that admiration won’t be squat when they continue to paint this as an assassination attempt. Sorry bro, the leopard is hungry for faces.

  12. Funny how they don’t seem to trust the “good guy with a gun” theory anymore. Wonder why that is…

  13. All 3 of the attempted “shooters” have been Republican. Something smells rotten.

  14. How popular is Trump if his supporters keep coming to his rallies with guns and every time they’re caught and arrested the media/law enforcement call it an assassination attempt?

  15. gnarzilla69 on

    Trump has to be the only guy in history more likely to be killed by his supporters than anyone else.

  16. _MissionControlled_ on

    This was my thinking too. He’s just another mentally unstable Republican that cannot leave the house without a small arsenal. His guns are his emotional support animals.

  17. polarwaves on

    That “one” sub is currently claiming this is fake news, misleading headlines, somehow it’s the lefts fault…typical talking points in their safe space

  18. sublimeshrub on

    People like that sheriff keep throwing around the terms common sense & reason. But, they don’t understand either of those terms. They couldn’t be further removed from common sense, and reason because they live in an alternate reality. What the sheriff meant to profess was his ignorance, and delusion.

  19. So he was exercising his (checks Republican platform) 2nd Amendment rights and they dared to arrest him and remove him from a rally for his chosen Freedom Loving Candidate? Confusing messaging here.

  20. devilmaskrascal on

    I like how having a gun in Trump’s vicinity now = “assassination attempt.” As if the GOP aren’t the party of gun nuts, “good guy with a gun” fetishes and sovereign citizens?

  21. OmicronPerseiNate on

    Am I missing something? Online I saw this reported as sov cit shenanigans. Then I’m seeing that it’s being described as a thwarted assassination attempt. After searching about it STILL looks like sovereign citizen delusion. Am I missing something that makes this a presidential assassination scheme?

  22. BusinessAd5844 on

    Ironic how this is the ” pro 2A party ” and yet they ban guns around rallies.

  23. zombiefied on

    The guy was a Trump worshipping sovereign citizen larper that got caught near the ex-president with loaded guns. He was released on a $5k bond.

    Diaper Donnie going to milk this for all it’s worth as a “3rd assassination attempt”. Let’s not enable the shit stain.

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