1. Callme-Sal on

    It’s fine and dandy ordering from the UK until it gets caught up in the An Post Mail Centre with a customs charge

  2. SweepPassStall on

    I’m seeing a ghost train with a big forehead and a pointy chin.

  3. maxheadroom_prime on

    Fucking hell it’s a yellow reg imagine the import duties on that

  4. Looks like the original flying brick aesthetic🧱 is gone for something slightly more aerodynamic?

  5. Key-Lie-364 on


    Pity we don’t have the capacity to really put them to use and GOD FORBID you’d put some noses out of joint removing level crossing or installing a second track between drogheda and Connolly.

    But Shure the world owes us a living so none of these decades long infrastructural drags to satisfy maybe a few thousand NIMBYs will have any negative impact on competitiveness 🙄

  6. box_of_carrots on

    I hope these ones are fitted with fold down seats like other grown up countries have in their urban rail systems.

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