„Trump hat die Rechnung nicht bezahlt …?“: Donald Trump-Anhänger strandeten nach der Coachella-Kundgebung stundenlang in der Wüste, während im Internet Witze über ihn verbreiteten, er sei „zu billig“, um sie mit dem Bus zurückzufahren
Nun, man kann nicht früher gehen, wenn man in der Falle sitzt.
It’s wouldn’t be the first time he’s stranded his supporters
MrFunkyPunkie on
MAGATs will never learn 🤣
blackmobius on
Lmao what if he didnt pay the bill so they couldnt walk out mid way through
DinosaurDied on
You get what you deserve. Hope you got to think on your poor life decisions on that walk back
doingwhaticanfornow on
And yet the cult members will probably still vote for him.
Prestigious_Beach478 on
Doesn’t matter. They’re still voting for him.
DrRoxo420 on
“I don’t care about you, I just need your votes.”
*Trump literally said those words. 🤪
FinancialSurround385 on
They think it was the deep state, not Trump.
Sure_Put_9132 on
He wouldn’t have won California anyway, so he didn’t care. This was his middle finger to the state and Newsom.
HillbillyHare on
That’s ok. It won’t cost him a single vote. His supporters don’t care
ZucchiniIntrepid719 on
What Trump did to these people he would do to this country. WAKE UP MAGA!
Ok-Egg-4856 on
Perfect he gets a dose of bullshit rumors going viral and becoming the latest “story”
techbunnyboy on
I wonder if the maggats have the sense to see the repeated patterns here
magneta2024 on
He buys Mc Donalds for his team, if he ever gets them anything. The big security you see is paid by Tax Payers money…and there were already rumors he owns money to a lot of people. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he indeed is very stingy always because he’s in constant debts and trouble.
come_on_seth on
Conductor: NEXT STOP
High-flyingAF on
And yet it’s a liberal conspiracy. They hijacked the gas and busses.
UncoveringScandals90 on
Trump does not pay his bills. Why would anyone be surprised by this?
EpicLearn on
His sheep were especially angry because they want to hurry back to vote for Trump.
FGTRTDtrades on
something something something democrats fault
– maga probably
ElementalSaber on
Main-Algae-1064 on
I guarantee they blame it on Democrats and still vote for him.
n3w4cc01_1nt on
uh hyuh hyuh hyuh he the tv guy hyuh he smart that’s why he the tv guy listen to tv guy he smart cause he said he smart
It’s wouldn’t be the first time he’s stranded his supporters
MAGATs will never learn 🤣
Lmao what if he didnt pay the bill so they couldnt walk out mid way through
You get what you deserve. Hope you got to think on your poor life decisions on that walk back
And yet the cult members will probably still vote for him.
Doesn’t matter. They’re still voting for him.
“I don’t care about you, I just need your votes.”
*Trump literally said those words. 🤪
They think it was the deep state, not Trump.
He wouldn’t have won California anyway, so he didn’t care. This was his middle finger to the state and Newsom.
That’s ok. It won’t cost him a single vote. His supporters don’t care
What Trump did to these people he would do to this country. WAKE UP MAGA!
Perfect he gets a dose of bullshit rumors going viral and becoming the latest “story”
I wonder if the maggats have the sense to see the repeated patterns here
He buys Mc Donalds for his team, if he ever gets them anything. The big security you see is paid by Tax Payers money…and there were already rumors he owns money to a lot of people. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he indeed is very stingy always because he’s in constant debts and trouble.
Conductor: NEXT STOP
And yet it’s a liberal conspiracy. They hijacked the gas and busses.
Trump does not pay his bills. Why would anyone be surprised by this?
His sheep were especially angry because they want to hurry back to vote for Trump.
something something something democrats fault
– maga probably
I guarantee they blame it on Democrats and still vote for him.
uh hyuh hyuh hyuh he the tv guy hyuh he smart that’s why he the tv guy listen to tv guy he smart cause he said he smart
How is this race even close?
“Smells like sabotage!”
Sabotage smells a lot better than Donald Trump.