1. AllanfromWales1 on

    Too simple, I think. Some of us respond to posts we disagree with to put a contrary position, not through outrage but in the spirit of Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis.

  2. You just discribed that person, Jojofromjerz. that gets posted and reposted everywhere here on reddit. Just outrage, no substance.

  3. Talking_Duckling on

    You don’t have much to say about posts that completely aline with your political beliefs. About those words from your enemies, on the other hand…

  4. FunetikPrugresiv on

    Well sure. People don’t have as much to add when it’s something they agree with.

  5. lookamazed on

    Tale as old as time.

    “No, darling, I can’t come to bed yet. Someone is wrong on the internet!”

  6. SirAlaricTheWise on

    Ragebait posts use the same tactic probably, not limited to politics.

  7. I’d be interested to see when everything had to be politically driven. Like I can’t just have this opinion? It has to be because I’m either a conservative or a liberal. Oh you disagree with me typical conservative/liberal.

    I remember a time when people disagreed, and that was okay. I miss those days.

  8. “enragement = engagement” is the basis for the earliest social media algorithms.

  9. Yup, that’s why Facebook changed their algorithm on comments from most liked to the most replied, and that’s when I left Facebook

  10. Letsgofriendo on

    Humans weren’t designed to communicate in anonimity. Thoughts and feelings, yes. Online diaries of emotional venting and hot takes… not to mention all the visual media. Once capitalistic motivations cracked into not only our homes but our very communication styles and thoughts we lost. Generations of people are going to suffer for the lack of foresight from our cultures obsession with leverage and power in the form of currency. The people driving the bus can’t even see the road. They only see the money stacking.

  11. Which is why everyone on X/Twitter complains that X’s algorithm amplifies whatever side they are not on. Yes. If you call a Nazi a Nazi or a communist a communist in response to their post you are going to get more Nazi/communist posts. You are literally digging your own pit in hell.

  12. OldManBartleby on

    The algorithm has known this for a while now. I responded to ONE flat earther on Twitter and now my feed is half morons.

  13. USA people love to have

    But now they are training the whole world to be like them

    I undertood this a long time ago

    Don’t love to hate. Love someone/something. Do something better with your life.

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