Selenskyj: Nordkorea hat sich de facto dem russischen Krieg gegen die Ukraine angeschlossen

Von UNITED24Media


  1. Due-Barracuda7535 on

    The war is expanding, not contracting. Don’t our politicians read history books anymore?

  2. 8livesdown on

    No self-respecting country would help Russia, so this isn’t too surprising.

    The good news is, sanctions against North Korea are even more severe than those imposed on Russia. Which means if either of these countries wants technology, they’ll need to steal it from someone else.

  3. Could we please act accordingly to this escalation, Mr.Scholz & Mr.Biden?

  4. Fat boy Kim had made his choice poorly… and he is going to pay for it.

  5. phoenixplum on

    Ukraine will be capturing NK soldiers wearing Ruzzian uniform who can’t say a word in Ruzzian en masse, and the west will still be saying that sending even military contractors for support roles is too much and it’s better to keep escorting Ruzzian drones out of the NATO airspace with fighter jets to not escalate.

  6. So, another brown line was crossed, we will get deep concerns or usual ones?

  7. A_Blue_Frog_Child on

    People said this would happen since the first mention of NK troops involved. But most said oh no, they’re just digging trenches. Yes, to hide in. Russia got its manpower and Ukraine is in a major disadvantage. Allow long range strikes immediately.

  8. tripping_on_phonics on

    This gives South Korea a clear rationale to directly aid Ukraine militarily and could very well end up backfiring for both Russia and North Korea.

  9. undiscovered_soul on

    Nah. They are too wobbly and malnourished to stand the battle

  10. South Korea should help Ukraine with offensive capabilities and have their troops learn from Ukrainian experience.

  11. ScottyMac75 on

    Is it time to recruit some Nepalese Ghurkas and form a volunteer brigade from friendly Baltic state neighbours? I’m sure that Poland would have quite a few soldiers willing to go on a sabbatical and deal to those Russians.

  12. Senseofimpendingtomb on

    I don’t think that this will end well for North Korea.

  13. Diligent-Ad-5494 on

    So is legal to sink their tankers, right? UA could use neutral ports to raid them, just like old corsairs.

  14. Just get a few of those drone boats to the pacific theater and target ships carrying munitions in port or on thier way to Russia.

  15. AirhunterNG on

    So Iran, Russia and North Korea have all united and joined the war in Ukraine, making Ukraine de-facto fight three countries and the west is still asleep and afraid of red lines? What happens if we let this slide and decide to wait it out? We’re in for a bad awekening.

  16. North Korea gets SO pissed when South Korea floats balloons over 38th Parallel. I wonder what they’d do when Ukraine starts sending drones across the border to help destabilize the Kim regime. Might provoke an all-out war with Kim since he is pretty unstable and can’t stand to be 1-upped, but then again, may knock a bit of sense into NK so they stop with the inane rhetoric. And since NK is already kinda jumping into this war, can’t really ‘provoke’ something that is already happening.

  17. CombinationTypical36 on

    We’re literally letting north korea wage war against a European country. How fucking pathetic can we be? Absolutely ridiculous.

  18. Murder_Bird_ on

    Supposedly – from scant evidence – they are running out of Russians who can operate artillery effectively. The NK troops they have identified seem to be artillerymen. But this is internet rumors.

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