Ein längeres Video des russischen Soldaten, der drei ukrainische Soldaten mit seinen eigenen Teamkameraden verwechselte.

Von Physical-Cut-2334


  1. DumpyMcAss2nd on

    Running in front of the gun around a blind corner is a quick way to die by friendly fire. I suppose its human instinct to just start running around.

  2. SlamdalfTheGrey on

    I like how dude had just set down his rifle and less than 30 seconds later a gunfight breaks out. He’ll probably sleep with his sling on now lol

  3. Maximum-Shoulder-639 on

    What a clusterfuck, prolly worst than Naam, not knowing who is who

  4. tibbodeaux on

    I know these guys work tightly together but I would have been a bit more cautious about running in front of my mate at :40

  5. UniversityEastern542 on

    According to the Russians, they are teammates, in a sense. Should’ve given them a hug.

  6. Is it normal to ”waste” 90+ rounds on single soldier. Sure everyone wants to get alive out from the battlefield, but somehow i would see them running out of ammo pretty quick if they shoot few aimed shots and then blind fire almost 3 mags. I have not being in combat so have noidea how common this is. Just curious.

  7. Barrenechea on

    Just an honest question, does no one use sights? It seems to be all hip fire in these videos. Or is it a weird camera perspective thing? I mean firing a C-7 from the shoulder using the iron sight was incredibly accurate. Or perhaps it’s just a minimal training thing.

  8. The_Fluffness on

    My dude was like “yeah nope, was not planning on this” @ 0:42

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