Die afghanischen Taliban verbieten alle Bilder von Lebewesen



  1. TheTelegraph on

    From The Telegraph:

    Afghanistan’s [Taliban morality ministry](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/taliban/) pledged on Monday to implement a law banning news media from publishing images of all living things, with journalists told the rule will be gradually enforced.

    It comes after the [Taliban](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/09/02/taliban-hires-female-spies-to-catch-women-breaking-laws/) regime recently announced legislation formalising its strict interpretations of Islamic law that have been imposed since they swept to power in 2021.

    “The law applies to all [Afghanistan ](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/afghanistan/)… and it will be implemented gradually,” Saiful Islam Khyber, the spokesman for the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (PVPV), told AFP. He added that officials would work to persuade people that images of living things are against Islamic law.

    “Coercion has no place in the implementation of the law,” he said.

    “It’s only advice, and convincing people these things are really contrary to [sharia ](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/terror-and-security/sharia-law-returns-afghanistan-taliban-confirms-public-whippings/)(law) and must be avoided.”

    The new law detailed several rules for the media, including banning the publication of images of all living things and ordering outlets not to mock or humiliate Islam, or contradict Islamic law.

    Aspects of the new law have not yet been strictly enforced, including advice to the public not to take or look at images of living things on phones and other devices.

    [Taliban ](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/29/taliban-bans-mixed-martial-arts-violent-afghanistan-law/)officials continue to regularly post photos of people on social media and Afghan journalists have told AFP they received assurances from authorities after the law was announced that they would be able to continue their work.

    The information ministry did not immediately respond to AFP’s request for comment.

    “Until now, regarding the articles of the law related to media, there are ongoing efforts in many provinces to implement it, but that has not started in all provinces,” Khyber said.

    He added that work has started in the southern [Taliban ](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/cricket/2024/09/17/cricket-horror-indulging-afghanistan-taliban-rule-must-stop/)stronghold of Kandahar and the neighbouring Helmand province, as well as northern Takhar.

  2. Feeling_blue2024 on

    They should just ban all photos then. There’s bacteria everywhere.

  3. SteakForGoodDogs on

    So I guess people can only show off pictures of their cars, bikes, houses, and…..various action figures, now?

  4. ArtistEngineer on

    If a Taliban could ban bans how many bans would a Taliban ban?

  5. Emily_Puma on

    t actually gets more ridiculous than that. Alongside the new laws banning Women from speaking in public, the Taliban have also enforced a ban ‘on owning or publishing pictures of any living being’. 

     Family photos, historical records, journalism, basic security? All illegal, alongside every form of non-abstract art… For the common man, of course. The taliban themselves would never follow their own insane laws.II

  6. Emily_Puma on

    They are not even allowed to exist at this point. If women weren’t able to make babies, they would be condemned to death sentence.

    I bet they can’t even leave Afghanistan.

  7. CupidStunt13 on

    >The new law detailed several rules for the media, including banning the publication of images of all living things and ordering outlets not to mock or humiliate Islam, or contradict Islamic law.

    >Aspects of the new law have not yet been strictly enforced, including advice to the public not to take or look at images of living things on phones and other devices.

    It must be a hell of a time trying to follow social media over there–they can’t even get away with cute clips of puppies and kittens now.

    Never a good look when your bizarre religious beliefs imitate a *Monty Python* sketch.

  8. supercyberlurker on

    I love how the image of them doing this is among the things that would be banned.

  9. Monster-Zero on

    >the regime says the law will be implemented gradually

    Oh well that’s good at least. When you’re banning all images of living things, it’s good to ease into it you know? They’re not totally unreasonable, it’s gonna take a little time to ban all images of living things.

  10. PartTimeMancunian on

    What a bunch of laughable morons. And quite honestly i have zero sympathy for the country and it’s people, when the west pulled out we left a fully trained force of their own army and billions in arms so they could keep their sovereignty.

    5 minutes and they gave it up to these cavemen.

    They chose their own fates.

  11. So they themselves can no longer appear in propaganda videos/interviews then?

  12. EternalAngst23 on

    Very cool, but are they going to change the words for good and bad to “Aladeen”?

  13. rich1051414 on

    “Gradually enforced” means “selectively enforced”. “All living things” means it can apply to basically everything.

  14. TWiesengrund on

    Some people said that the Taliban were going to be more moderate this time around because they had experienced the backlash of some parts of the society. The reality is they just put Afghanistan in a slow cooker and increase the oppression bit by bit. Now we are nearly back at OG Taliban, what a trajectory.

  15. Hell on Earth. All joy must be eliminated so that people, especially women, have no hope at all.

  16. aVictorianChild on

    At this point Matt Stone and Trey Park can just copy-paste the news and call it a South Park script.

  17. eiserneftaujourdhui on

    Islamism (this word is different than Islam) is a cancer on humanity.

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