Festgenommen: Bewaffneter Mann bei Kundgebung festgenommen und mit Trumps „Vergeltungsminister“ in Verbindung gebracht



  1. legendary_millbilly on

    Holy shit!

    The nuts are starring to fall.

    This guy is crazier than a pet coon.

    “Secretary of retribution” sounds like some shit from a bad movie.

  2. PreparationKey2843 on

    Be prepared, people.
    Win or lose, it’s gonna get stupid ugly. I think it’ll be worse if he wins. But either way, be prepared.
    There’s a lot of brainwashed loonies out there with guns itching to become “patriots” (traitors).

    “Make America Great Again”. 🙄
    Ha! He divided America.

  3. Broblivious on

    How are they going to blame Kamala and Tim for this one?
    Inflammatory rhetoric?
    Hypnotic mind control?

  4. StandardImpact6458 on

    You know this was all staged to make him once again the innocent victim? C’mon grazed on the ear and all healed, no stitch, no scab, ear all intact. Even the blood pack carefully opened like a ketchup packet and thinly streaked on his cheek. His vanity wouldn’t allow something like this take away from his stunning gorgeous looks. That’s why the report was sealed. If this phony piece of 💩 would have to back up his claims he’d be toast.

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