China führt groß angelegte Übung rund um Taiwan durch; USA verurteilen als „ungerechtfertigt“


  1. KissMySuperHairyAss on

    EU & US vow to sit around with their thumbs up their asses, because this is the price we pay for mindlessly outsourcing our whole lives to China.

    We’ve done literally everything the Clintons warned us not to do when they authorized the mass outsourcing to China: outsourced arms manufacturing, medical supplies, drug manufacture, etc. No way to punish a belligerent empire when they can cripple you by just not making all your shit for you.

  2. buyongmafanle on

    >”It is a legitimate and necessary operation for safeguarding national sovereignty and national unity,” the spokesman added.

    It sure seems strange that you need an invasion force for national unity. It’s almost like Taiwan is a fully separate country.

  3. ShareYourIdeaWithMe on

    CCP winning hearts and minds like a rapist with a knife on your throat

  4. ephemeralfugitive on

    These two have been “condemning” each other for a decade and a half already lol

  5. Squeaky_Ben on

    I dunno man. “it’s just training” was what russia said in 2022…

  6. Slayers_Picks on

    Why doesn’t Taiwan just, do the same to China? Send all their planes 3/4 to China, then turn right back around.

  7. enigmapenguin on

    When I’m playing Civilization IV the statement I give them is “Our troops are merely passing by” .

    Someone check if Xi is going to play Zuckerberg…

  8. lokey_convo on

    I like how China’s policy with Taiwan has devolved into military scale “*I’m not touching you!*” ffs man.

  9. queen-bathsheba on

    Like nato doing exercises in Romania. Just designed to be provocative

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