Indiens Antwort auf die diplomatische Kommunikation aus Kanada


  1. Even_Jellyfish_214 on

    Submission Statement:

    Response by Ministry of External Affairs of India to a recent diplomatic communication from canada regarding the Indian High Commissioner to Canada and other diplomats being “persons of interest” In a investigation matter in Canada


    Rare No Holds Barred Response with personal imputations to PM Trudeau along with Leader of NDP of Canada from India

  2. neropro345 on

    Wow. This has got to be one of the sternest responses from MEA that i’ve ever read. It also foreshadows a future with many friction points for Indo-Canadian relations as long as Trudeau is their PM.

    I can only imagine things getting better if the Conservative party takes over after Canada’s elections next year. They seem to be willing to work constructively with Modi Govt for better relations than the Trudeau Govt.

    Also, on side note, i’d wager one of the future diplomatic blowouts over this would include Canada not inviting India as a guest to the G7 summit next year.

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