Deutsche Soldaten greifen eine Brücke in Dnipro an (September 1941)

    Von Jeanmichel50


    1. Jeanmichel50 on

      the germans and hungarians, bare-chested, around the anti-aircraft gun, so chill

    2. Sea_Donut8313 on

      That shot of the pak gun lobbing rounds at the boat was fascinating. Never scene a clip like that from ww2.

    3. TheBusinator34 on

      When the Russians blew up the Khakovka Dam, it actually unveiled a lot of German helmets and skulls from the Nazi era. 

    4. Signal-Reporter-1391 on

      That’s the area where my Great-Grandfather went MIA.
      Until this day they never found his body nor a grave.

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