Israel repräsentiert nicht das Judentum. Sie repräsentieren Tyrannei und Totalitarismus durch Zermürbung. Verbieten Sie mir, das zu sagen, es ist mir egal.

Von Stimul8ed


  1. Submission statement: Israel is not on the defensive, they are on the offensive. They are committing genocide, and they won’t stop with Arab nations

  2. Shocked this is still up. We’re nothing more than cattle to them.

  3. Leading-Chemist672 on

    That narrative is not based in reality.

    Because at best, it requires Israel to be not only Evil… But also inept.

    You know, over 70 years of genocide… And your target Demographic is several folds *larger,* with an even more distinct group identity.

    And if Israel was inept, it would have been gone by now.

    Or you explain it with the Palestinians being OP fighters…

    Well, then they should have taken over all of Israel’s Neighbours and remade them into a singe caliphate under their rule.

    Because Israel has beaten all of the armies of those Countries.

    And those Countries have put the Palestinians down hard when they made themselves a conuisance.

    So an Israel that is inept would not have survived by now, regardless of moral nature.

    And an evil Israel that is competent…. Would not have any Palestinians left in existence.

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