Als ich also meine Mietwohnung aufräumte, fand ich auf dem Dachboden diesen alten CRT-Monitor aus dem Jahr 1986 (grundig t51-640 oirt), er funktioniert immer noch und scheint in einem ziemlich guten Zustand zu sein, mein technikbegeistertes Herz möchte ihn einfach wegschmeißen es auf der Müllkippe, gibt es einen Ort/eine Person in Tallinn, die das haben möchte?
Von Dr_Fortunate
Only who needs it is jäätmejaam. Nowadays even 10 years old lcd tvs are given away for almost nothing. Who needs crt tv what is small, harmful for eyes, wases energy.
Put it on []( for ten euros.
Is it a monitor or a TV?
Maybe [Arvutimuuseum]( would be interested.
Retro games look wayyy better on those, i have been trying to get 1 for a long time. Mainly because i dont have a car and those dont ship well, but still.
TTÜ või Tartu ühikad -> Tudengite kevadpäevad -> Aken.
Also – it’s not a monitor, it’s an old Grundig TV.
Certainly not 1986, don’t lie.
You need CRT TV for using NES gun games.
Look out for Samara climbing out of that thing 😐
What people usually do with old pieces of garbage that are not rare or unique in any way?
You could probably do same dangerous high voltage YouTube hobby electronics experiments with it. Possibly die tho. So that’s on you.
Retro gaming all the way.
I might find a place for it, I want to have that nostalgic feeling, turning on a PS1 on a box TV
Give it to the owner of the apartment?
ill give you 20 euros for it in Tallinn