Ihre Steuergelder bei der Arbeit

Von MydnightWN


  1. MydnightWN on

    SS: [Link to the article](https://www.local12.com/news/nation-world/inmate-who-strangled-11-month-old-will-get-taxpayer-funded-gender-surgery-judge-rules-autumn-cordellion-lgbt-transgender-affirming-care-lgbtq-midwest-law-legal-justice-federal-court-baby-strangle-male-female) – seems like he shouldn’t be getting anything but a concrete hole for life, instead he gets six figures of surgery on the taxpayer dime.

    To be clear before the Reddit Cares spam, I don’t believe **any** non-emergency or elective surgery should be paid for by the state for a lifer. If they get cancer, they should be offered euthanasia. Take the money saved and put it into rehabilitation programs, especially basically literary – numerous studies show that reading skills make the biggest difference in recidivism rates.

  2. Super_Bad6238 on

    I legitimately can not tell which direction they are trying to go with the surgery.

  3. All it is , it’s free test subjects to see side effects afterwards of pills and whatever thy need . That’s the point of prisoners getting the surgery and also new techniques they’re gonna probably try out? They just wrapped up in a nice little package to make it look like a positive instead of a negative.

  4. The scumbags who unalived Adrienne Reynolds in my town back in the mid 2000s are now the opposite sex they were born as. That’s not the issue. The issue is that both transitions took place after they were in prison. Guess who paid for it?

    This is why we still have potholes

  5. BulletToof on

    California has been doing this for a while now. If people only knew how their taxes were being spent in the prison system smh

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