Indien bittet Kanada um Beweise im Mordfall Nijjar und fordert energische Maßnahmen gegen anti-indische Khalistanis
They want strong action against Khalistanis… living in Canada? In our sovereign nation? That Modi has no jurisdiction over? Yeah that’s gonna be a “Fuck you” from me
Stop sending us fake students and refugee claimants and there will be fewer separatists. Win-win.
We don’t even take strong action against our own criminals let alone someone else’s
I’ve got advice for Modi…. Step down!
This should be fun.
Why do we need relations with that country? Can’t we black list or something.. like the USA blocked few countries
The Indian government can go fk themselves
What crime is India alleging that Khalistanis are guilty of?
Mr Modi, with all due respect, the response from us Canadians is a big FUCK YOU
Tell them to fuck off
Why are we so involved with India
It will come out in the trial.