Tim Walz, der Vizepräsident von Kamala Harris, ist in Schwierigkeiten geraten, als in den sozialen Medien schockierende Anschuldigungen auftauchten. In dem, was jetzt als bezeichnet wird "große Überraschung im Oktober" für die Harris-Kampagne, ein Benutzer, der vorbeikommt @DocNetyoutubewarf Walz vor, während seiner Zeit als Professor und Fußballtrainer eine „unangemessene“ Beziehung zu einem männlichen Studenten gehabt zu haben. In den Behauptungen wird auch erwähnt, dass Walz mit dem Schüler eine Schwulenbar besuchte, was angeblich zu einer Untersuchung der Schulbehörde führte.

Der ehemalige Student, der Tim Walz beschuldigt, ihn belästigt und belästigt zu haben, hat zugestimmt, an die Öffentlichkeit zu gehen.

Anwalt Phil Holloway sagte: "Der Ankläger muss an die Öffentlichkeit gehen. Ansonsten bekommt es außer auf X keine Traktion."

"Er hat zugestimmt. Ich werde es später bekannt geben." – Quelle

Von External-Noise-4832


  1. donta5k0kay on

    let me guess, the school board investigation was buried because they knew one day Walz would be a vice president candidate

  2. Observing Timmay for years as a politician, and even more now with the super bright spotlight on him, I’ve always thought he was gay from the first time I heard him speak including his mannerisms. Nothing wrong with this, but it speaks to the theories about these stories.

    But more to the point of all of this is that if he was a hyper-sexualized young man, maybe even a victim of abuse as a boy, this trend would continue down the line. Then add to the mix his involvement in the destruction of Mpls and the propagation of the covid scamdemic in the most hardcore fashion compared to other governors.

    He locked out families of elder care patients while tiktok nurses made dance videos, he forced hard line vaccination policies after doing his “just two weeks” skit, lying to all Minnesotans as a deep agent of the WEF and DNC. He shut down small businesses and allowed his buddies at Target to remain open for business during the shamdemic. He was a MAJOR leader in all of that. Dude is a grotesque human being. He wasn’t even WANTED at the MN fishing opener, lol. And now making up for it with all the fake news stories about hunting up north, etc.

    Dude is a severely dislikeable politician and imo won his re-election as gov from a rigged voter system he enabled and exacerbated by the lockdown (mail-in ballot fraud) and hacked dominion boxes.

  3. Let me guess….another “smoking gun” that has an announcement later and it never happens?

  4. Petrofskydude on

    I’m going to reserve judgement until the man is proven guilty in a court of law. “Source” has a lot of work to do.

  5. foreverloveall on

    “I will announce later” 🙄

    What an absolute load of garbage

  6. UpDimension on

    Some X schizo and 4 chan makin up stories.

    In just 2 more weeks all walz pedo will be revealed!! Lol, fckn maga clowns.

  7. Kizzy33333 on

    Laughable. Next will be Kamala has a dick. Trump is the pedo raper.

  8. moanysopran0 on

    Not seen any convincing evidence yet and no, I don’t support him or Kamala.

  9. yowhatsgoodwithit on

    I likely lean conservative but these kinda accusations are just so disgusting. 4 weeks from the election, yeah bullshit. The left has been doing this to the right for a decade, but conservatives need to stay the fuck away from these kind of accusations.

    If it’s real, file a police report and do it properly. But not on Twitter 4 weeks before election. Makes you look really fucking shady.

  10. You think the Republican Party or anyone on the Trump campaign staff weren’t able to find this info, but some random dude on twitter was?

  11. I think you need to Google “what is a formal allegation” because you clearly don’t know what that means.

  12. FullBottleLobotomy on

    I’m starting to think allegations like this are the only requirement to be in your counties government

  13. greywar777 on

    so we have some twitter guy known for making stuff up vs one of epsteins victims who tried to sue Trump for raping her at 13 until she got non stop death threats and dropped the lawsuit against trump. Uh huh.

    Guess who I believe and who I dont believe.

  14. karpet_muncher on

    Lol I’m going to go on twitter that Elon promised me 5million quid.

    Proof to be sent later

  15. doomrabbit on

    The dude is drip-releasing it two sentences at a time on X. Which would pay very nicely in engagement rewards for the X monetization scheme. It’s a grift at bare minimum, if not made up out of whole cloth.

  16. Literotamus on

    Everything is a “smoking gun” with you people yet nothing actually exists. Ever

  17. PiranhaFloater on

    Anyone running at the congressional let alone presidential level has been bought and paid for. They definitely don’t give a f*ck about any of us. They don’t care about abortion, 2nd amendment or whatever issue you are slinging digital hate towards. They care about money and power. The different color of tie they wear serves only to divide the American population and we keep falling for it. To all you partisan and identity politic people hating your fellow Americans; you need to wake up and look at what is happening.

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