Ein seltener kanadischer LAV 6.0 ACSV Super Bison im Dienst der Streitkräfte der Ukraine



  1. Irish_Caesar on

    Protected Canadian boys well in operation Medusa, hopefully it does well by the Ukrainians. And hopefully we send a lot more

  2. Agressive-toothbrush on

    Brand new directly from the factory in Ontario.

    Ordered in 2019 with first deliveries supposed to take place in 2020-2021.

    Those probably still have a new car smell.

  3. Made in my home time. Now def show them off and what they can do. Put to good use and hope we can send more

  4. VegetableScars on

    As a former member, it fills me with great pride that we are contributing even if just a bit to the destruction of ruzzonazi scum.

  5. Proud_Shoe_5273 on

    Built in my hometown🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  6. AlexRescueDotCom on

    Ukranian born, living in Canada.

    If Canada said that they are increasing our taxes, and 100% of the jncrease will go to Ukraine army, I will do it with a blink! Canada is with Ukraine 💪

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