Ein russischer Soldat verwechselte eine Gruppe ukrainischer Soldaten der 3️⃣ 3. Angriffsbrigade mit seiner eigenen

    Von Physical-Cut-2334


    1. EmotionalCod6238 on

      i feel like i saw this video over a year ago or it was really similar either way just goes to show how chaotic war is i know many already know that but dang seeing it in action is always crazy

    2. Sanguine_Pup on

      Imagine Americans and Canadians fighting each other, and everyone is just waiting for that one word, expression, or tone to give you away in that situation.

      “HE SAID EH! BLAST ‘EM!”


    3. panzermike666 on

      the shooter refrainedfrom shooting when his buddy accidently walked in his line of fire. that means he had situational awareness and was a trained shooter. so a mistake without consequenses. the mistake that russian made however ..he wont make it ever again

    4. The dude that exited the building was definitely running “max agility” perk. Dude was flying.

    5. FabianGladwart on

      Boy that’s scary, fighting a military that dresses similarly and speaks the same language. I bet the fratricide rate is pretty high

    6. DoubleAfternoon6883 on

      He zigged when a zag probably wouldn’t have mattered. 🤷🏻

    7. CaptainPitterPatter on

      Well when everyone has essentially the same uniforms and equipment, I probably would make that mistake as well lol

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